Hello There bloggers!=]
Well this is my first Haul I'm excited to share a few things I bought today. So my father gave me some money and I just HAD to spend it on none other than MAKEUP! So I went to both Rite Aid and a department store called CEE & CEE. At Rite Aid there is a Jane Minerals sale and I so totally love the brand idk it feels so smooth and natural on the face. So the sale was buy one get the second one 50% off and i decided to buy none other than mini eye shadow palettes because they had unfortunately ran out of everything else! ugh BUMMER!!! guess I'm not the only Jane Mineral lover in the Bronx =]... The one with Six colors AKA Jewel Tones was $4.99 & the Quad AKA Violets (regular price $4.49) on sale $2.24 so I felt that was a great bargain even a dollar less is a plus in my book! Now in the Department Store CEE & CEE is great, I think we only Have them in the Bronx but maybe not who knows well anyway its close by the Rite Aid and they sell ELF!!!! which makes me so happy =].. they don't have as much as in the website but its something and guess what don't have to pay for shipping! just a dollar plus the tax -sigh- now there I bought a few thing I felt were a necessity Clarifying Pressed Powder (Tone 1 & yes i love it i have used it before), Healthy Glow Bronzing Powder(Sun Kissed/ Never Tried it so I will probably review it later on)3 brushes (Blending Eye Brush, Defining Eye Brush & Eyelash and Brow Wand), Wet Glos Lash & Brown Clear Mascara, & Last but not Least Brightening Eye Color Liner(Black) It says its the new and improved formula so I will probably review that as well!.. Well hope u enjoyed my blog post & if you live in the NYC area and want to know where ELF is sold without having to purchase it online just Leave me a comment or email me at R.Lizardo@gmail.com =].... Hope you enjoyed & Please Subscribe... TILL NEXT TIME!!!=]
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