Another Friendly Hello 2 you guys,
These are pictures of my makeup today. I went to see my boyfriend for a bit since he had oral surgery but then we (my best friend steven, his doofy brother Richard lol & I) convinced him to get up when he felt better and drink a pina colada with us at Bubba Gump. Ofcourse I ate shrimp though that's like my favorite food ever :-) But anyhow I did this on myself today and I wanted to see what you guys would think. It was the easiest thing to do EVER. TRUST ME! Anyways if you guys want I'll do a picture tutorial on it and a video on youtube. Or maybe i'll do it anyways cuz seriously it is soo easy. But yeah leave me some feedback & please join this blog as well as whytheblush's YT Channel http://www.youtube.com/whytheblush THANKS :-) oh & I love my boyfriend ( I rarely say it but i do) Ok I need to g2 bed it's 2:45 a.m. (this blogs time & dates are wrong today is Monday, July 20th, 2009 2:46:31 AM FYI LOL) Sleep well NYC ppl and good day,noon,night to all you guys in other parts of the world. Til next time Loves.
I love it:) Its so pretty>.<